latest version

Theme Integration

With options you can easy create admin forms and use the values in frontend. Let’s to this!

Customizer Options

  1. Create {theme}/framework-customizations/theme/options/customizer.php with the following contents:
<?php if (!defined( 'FW' )) die('Forbidden');

$options = array(
    'body-color' => array(
        'type' => 'color-picker',
        'label' => __('Body Color', '{domain}'),
        'value' => '#ADFF2F',
  1. Add in {theme}/functions.php
function _action_theme_wp_print_styles() {
    if (!defined('FW')) return; // prevent fatal error when the framework is not active

    $option_value = fw_get_db_customizer_option('body-color');

    echo '<style type="text/css">'
         . 'body { '
         . 'border: 30px solid '. esc_html($option_value) .'; '
         . '}'
         . '</style>';
add_action('wp_print_styles', '_action_theme_wp_print_styles');
  1. Go to menu Appearance > Customize, find the Body Color option and change it.


You can enable Live Preview for customizer options.

Settings Options

  1. Create {theme}/framework-customizations/theme/options/settings.php with the following contents:
<?php if (!defined( 'FW' )) die('Forbidden');

$options = array(
    'body-color' => array(
        'type' => 'color-picker',
        'label' => __('Body Color', '{domain}'),
        'value' => '#ADFF2F',
  1. Add in {theme}/functions.php
function _action_theme_wp_print_styles() {
    if (!defined('FW')) return; // prevent fatal error when the framework is not active

    $option_value = fw_get_db_settings_option('body-color');

    echo '<style type="text/css">'
         . 'body { '
         . 'border: 30px solid '. esc_html($option_value) .'; '
         . '}'
         . '</style>';
add_action('wp_print_styles', '_action_theme_wp_print_styles');
  1. Go to menu Appearance > Theme Settings, find the Body Color option, change it and press Save.
  2. Go to frontend and see the changes.

Post Options

  1. Create {theme}/framework-customizations/theme/options/posts/post.php with the following contents:
<?php if (!defined( 'FW' )) die('Forbidden');

$options = array(
    'main' => array(
        'type' => 'box',
        'title' => __('Testing Options', '{domain}'),
        'options' => array(
            'body-color' => array(
                'type' => 'color-picker',
                'label' => __('Body Color', '{domain}'),
                'value' => '#ADFF2F',
  1. Add in {theme}/functions.php
function _action_theme_wp_print_styles() {
    if (!defined('FW')) return; // prevent fatal error when the framework is not active

    global $post;

    if (!$post || $post->post_type != 'post') {

    $option_value = fw_get_db_post_option($post->ID, 'body-color');

    echo '<style type="text/css">'
         . 'body { '
         . 'border: 30px solid '. esc_html($option_value) .'; '
         . '}'
         . '</style>';
add_action('wp_print_styles', '_action_theme_wp_print_styles');
  1. Create a new Post, find Body Color option, change it and save the post.
  2. Open the post in frontend and see the changes.