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Demo Content

When users install a theme, they should have the ability to install a demo content (settings, pages, images, colors) which comes with the theme. Below, there is a screenshot of demo content install screen from Siver theme which uses framework built-in extensions “Backups” and “Demo Content”.


In this theme, there are 4 demo contents to choose from. Usually, one demo content is put inside a package (local) and the others are downloaded from external server (remote) for the sake of the package size which should be less than 100MB.

Local demo content

Local demo content resides inside a theme package, but not in theme files on git repository. In this section, there will be two topics:

  1. How to set local demo content in a package
  2. How to move content from p(h)inky to demo site

Set local demo content

To set a local demo content:

  1. Choose a name for your demo content, eg. forest-onepager, example-multipager, default

  2. Create a folder inside theme/demo-content directory, eg. wp-content/themes/projectname/theme/demo-content/example-onepager

  3. There, create (or copy from boilerplate) files: manifest.php, screenshot.png. You should have this structure now:

        │  │--demo-content/               # Put all demo content manifest and screenshot. The content itself should be autogenerated.
        │  │  │--example-onepager/        # Local demo content directory, demo files will be generated here
        │  │  │  │--manifest.php          # Demo content name, image, preview link
        │  │  │  │--screenshot.png        # Thumbnail made by graphic designer
  4. Configure demo content name and preview link in manifest.php, as in the example below:

  5. Gid add and commit files. That’s all. Don’t put content files here. The build will add them to the package.

  6. If at this point you don’t have content on demo site yet, first proceed with “Move content from p(h)inky to demo site” section below, then go back here

  7. Go to your theme demo page admin (if it’s a multisite, choose the site which content you wish to export)

  8. Install and activate your theme demo plugin (if not already)

  9. Go to Demo settings menu screen. It should look like this:

  10. Enter your demo content export directory name and press save (you can leave the other options intact)

  11. That’s all. If your build is properly configured, the demo content will be regenerated with each package build.

Move content from p(h)inky to demo site

If your demo site has yet no content, you will need to export it from your p(h)inky and send to demo via git. Follow these steps:

  1. Set local demo content as described above (the one you wish to move to demo)

  2. Go to your p(h)inky admin (to the site where you have content you wish to move)

  3. Make sure you have enabled “Backups” extension in Unyson menu

  4. Go to to Tools -> Backup and press “Create Content Backup Now” as in the screenshot

  5. Once it finishes exporting, download the backup zip

  6. Extract contents of the zip to your local demo content folder, so you have this structure

Structure: .. code-block:

                │  │--demo-content/
                │  │  │--example-onepager/
                │  │  │  │--f/                    # Demo content images
                │  │  │  │--database.json         # Demo content settings
                │  │  │  │--manifest.php
                │  │  │  │--screenshot.png
  1. Git add new files and commit them.
  2. Ask the project manager to update the demo (and not to generate the package)
  3. Choose your newly added demo content to install (wp-admin -> Tools -> Demo Content Install)
  4. After several minutes it should be done
  5. Delete demo content files (database.json and f folder) from your theme files and commit (they are meant to be autogenerated)
  6. That’s all

Remote demo content

For sake of package size, most of demo contents are put remotely on a theme demo site server.

First, you need to set up remote demo content download path.

  1. Edit file wp-content/plugins/theme-plugin/extensions/backups/config.php

  2. Find the variable $cfg[‘remote_demo_url’] (or create it at the end) and set a proper path, ie.

    /** Remote demo content download link */
    $cfg['remote_demo_url'] = 'http://THEMEURL/wp-content/plugins/THEME-DEMO-PLUGIN/vendor/bumblebee/theme-demo-plugin-core/extensions/ct-demo-content/includes/remote-demo-content/download.php';
    /** For example
    $cfg['remote_demo_url'] = '';
  3. Edit file wp-content/plugins/theme-demo-plugin/config.php.

  4. Find the variable $cfg[‘remote_demo_content_directory’] and set proper path, ie.

    /** Remote demo content download link */
    $cfg['remote_demo_content_directory'] = '/themes/PROJECTNAME/themeforest/demo-content';
    /** For example
    $cfg['remote_demo_content_directory'] = '/themes/siver/themeforest/demo-content';
  5. Commit.

Then, create a remote demo content:

  1. Set local demo content as described above
  2. Change the name of manifest.php to remote.php (indicating this demo content will be a remote one)
  3. Add this demo content to remote demo contents list in file
  4. Commit
  5. That’s all