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Project Specification

Specification is a document which contains all the project’s screens that needs to be created along with the comments how each element should work and what options it should have.

Specification for your first project will be provided by Project Manager (PM). For next projects you will need to prepare your own specification and submit it for PM acceptance before you will start working on the project.

Comments in specification will describe the following types of elements:

  • VC shortcode - element should be created with Visual Composer plugin; There are 2 main types of shortcodes: with static and dynamic content; Static content can be defined directly via shortcode (e.g. via input or text area field). Dynamic content should be loaded from the custom post types content; Before you start creating custom VC shortcode - make sure that we don’t have any similar element in default Visual Composer plugin pack.

  • CPT - Custom Post Type - for elements like: portfolio, testimonials, FAQ, team members, products, etc. you should register a dedicated post type. Thanks to that user can easily add e.g. a new product, team member or question for FAQ section without need to change the static pages content.

    Content created with custom post types can be also displayed with a shortcode. EVERY CPT dedicated shortcode should have additional settings for filtering and sorting:

    • Limit - number of elements to display,
    • Order by - in which order data should be fetched: date, ID, date modified, page order, random order,
    • Order - descending/ascending,
    • Category/TAG/Custom Taxonomy filtering,
  • Widget - element can be added via sidebar areas,

  • Customizer - element editable via Theme Customizer,

  • Plugin - when element need specific plugin eg. “Plugin - Slider Revolution”,

Once you’ve got your first project specification, read it carefully and please make sure that you understand how each element should work.

Maybe you would like to present your ideas for the particular components? Write it down and speak up on the Project Kick-off Meeting

Sample specification

Here you can view a sample specification just to know what to expect: Sample specification