latest version

Coding Standards

Here are some starting rules to keep in mind:

  • Although WordPress recommends php 7, the code should work on php 5.3. Don’t use php 5.4+ features (such as short array syntax, array dereference on call), because some hosting providers don’t have php 5.4+ installed on the servers.

  • Follow WordPress Coding Standards.


    If you already have some code written with spaces indentation (that does not follow WordPress Coding Standards), use this RegExp to replace spaces with tabs:

    (?<=^\s*) {4} replace with \t

Project names

  • The Project name should be one word and not contain any special characters such as -, _ etc. Examples of project names are: disrupt, estato.
  • The Theme name should be projectnametheme and not contain any special characters such as -, _ etc. Examples of theme names and theme folder names are disrupttheme, estatotheme.
  • The Theme Plugin folder should be projectname-plugin, examples: disrupt-plugin, estato-plugin. Plugin class name should be FW_CT_Bee_Projectname_Plugin, examples: FW_CT_Bee_Disrupt_Plugin, FW_CT_Bee_Estato_Plugin.
  • The Theme Demo Plugin folder should be projectname-demo-plugin, examples: disrupt-demo-plugin, estato-demo-plugin. Demo Plugin class name should be FW_CT_Bee_Projectname_Demo_Plugin, examples: FW_CT_Bee_Disrupt_Demo_Plugin, FW_CT_Bee_Estato_Demo_Plugin.

Text domains

In every theme, the text domain to use is ct_theme which at later point is automatically changed to theme name.

$label = __( 'This text is translatable', 'ct_theme' );


Do not use ct_theme as a part of variable name or function name or anywhere besides text-domain as it will be replaced during the build.


In both theme and plugin everything is prefixed to prevent naming conflicts and to give a meaning to functions, classes and methods names. See the guidelines below.


Prefix everything! Lack of proper prefixes is a frequent theme reject reason. Read more: Reject Reasons


In theme development, a unique and more than 2 letters prefix is required by ThemeForest reviewers, therefore the prefix to use in a theme is fw_ct_bee_ for variables, functions, classes, and fw-ct-bee- for styles, image sizes, db options etc.

  • Functions and classes should be prefixed with:

    • fw_ct_bee_ for functions
    • FW_Ct_Bee for classes
    function fw_ct_bee_head() {
        // ...
    class FW_Ct_Bee_Pagination
        // ...
  • Private functions and classes should be prefixed the same way due to ThemeForest standards

  • Functions used for hooks should be prefixed with:

    • fw_ct_bee_action_ for add_action()
    • fw_ct_bee_filter_ for add_filter()
     * @internal
    function fw_ct_bee_filter_the_content($content) {
        // ...
        return $content;
    add_filter('the_content', 'fw_ct_bee_filter_the_content');
     * @internal
    function fw_ct_bee_action_init() {
        // ...
    add_action('init', 'fw_ct_bee_action_init');
  • Filters and actions should be prefixed with fw_ct_bee_.

    $data = apply_filters('fw_ct_bee_whatever', $data);


  • Public functions and classes should be prefixed with:

    • fw_ext_<extension-name>_ for functions
    • FW_Ext_<extension-name>_ for classes
  • Private functions and classes should be prefixed the same way due to ThemeForest standards

  • Functions used for hooks should be prefixed with:

    • fw_ext_<extension-name>_action_ for add_action()
    • fw_ext_<extension-name>_filter_ for add_filter()

    For e.g. if extension name is demo:

     * @internal
    function fw_ext_demo_filter_the_content($content) {
        // ...
        return $content;
    add_filter('the_content', 'fw_ext_demo_filter_the_content');
     * @internal
    function fw_ext_demo_action_init() {
        // ...
    add_action('init', 'fw_ext_demo_action_init');
  • Filters and actions should be prefixed with 'fw_ext_<extension-name>_'.

    For e.g. if extension name is demo:

    $data = apply_filters('fw_ext_demo_whatever', $data);

Unyson Core

  • Public functions and classes should be prefixed with:

    • fw_ for functions
    • FW_ for classes
    function fw_useful_function() {
        // ...
    class FW_Useful_Class {
        // ...


    A Public function is meant to be used by anyone. Usually it’s a helper function that does something useful.

  • Private functions and classes should be prefixed with:

    • _fw_ for functions
    • _FW_ for classes
     * @internal
    function _fw_private_function() {
        // ...
     * @internal
    class _FW_Private_Class
        // ...


    A private function is used somewhere internally. Don’t forget to use the @internal tag in your PhpDoc in order to make it clear to other developers that this is a private function. It will also remove the function from your documentation (if you are using an automatic documentation generator)

  • Functions and methods used for hooks should be prefixed with:

    • _action_ for add_action()
    • _filter_ for add_filter()
     * @internal
    function _action_init_something() {
        // ...
    add_action('init', '_action_init_something');


    Be sure the function name is unique enough in order to minimize the chances to be defined by someone else. Do not use too simple function names like _action_init.

    class FW_Example
        public function __construct()
            add_filter('the_content', array($this, '_filter_the_content'));
         * @internal
        public function _filter_the_content($content) {
            // ...
            return $content;
  • Filters and actions should be prefixed with 'fw_'.

    $data = apply_filters('fw_whatever', $data);