latest version


All projects created in ThemeForest/Marketplaces Team are dedicated to be uploaded for sale on, which is a part of Envato Marketplaces. Since every item available on Envato Marketplaces is first subjected to review process, our items (including your project) need to meet number of requirements. The basic requirements can be found here.

But there is a lot more - please refer to:

You will mostly work on WordPress Themes and all information in this documentation refer to coding the WordPress Theme. In the following chapters you will find guide to our internal WordPress framework - Bumblebee, daily project flow, and development process.

First of all, you need to be aware that your responsibilites would be much more than just coding.

Each project is divided to the following stages of development:

  • Project Specification and Kick-off Meeting - Prepare the plan for your project and list all elements in tasks. Make sure that you understand how each element should work and what needs to be done.
  • Development - Divide your tasks in 4 weekly SPRINTS and code!
  • Testing - Once development is done test everything. Twice.
  • Demo - Create demo pages for our customers.
  • Optimizations - We want our themes to be blazing fast so PageInsights will help us out
  • Upload - Please deliver theme package and promo material to Team Manager - she wil do the rest.
  • Reject - Unfortunately there will be rejects. Be brave and fix the bugs!