latest version

Project TasksΒΆ

Now as you know everything about your project - create a separate task for each component described in specification.

Component is a single shortcode, template or widget, so if you will be using WooCommerce in your theme you need to create more then 1 task for this, e.g.:

  • WooCommerce Index Page,
  • WooCommerce Single Product Template,
  • WooCommerce Customizer Options,
  • Product Shortcode,
  • Product Shortcode 2,
  • etc.

Add as much information as you have about component settings, the way of working, useful extensions/plugins that you could use for it, etc.

Once tasks are created you need to divide them into SPRINTS.

Feel free to use Project Template if you are not able to estimate how much time you will need for particular tasks. Once your SPRINTS are scheduled contact Project Manager - he will help you to verify the schedule.