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Learning Quiz

A sub-extension of the Learning extension that offers users the possibility to build tests and quiz for lessons.


Templates are located in the views/ directory. Here is the list of templates that you can customize:

  • start-quiz.php - Quiz star button from the lesson page.
  • single.php - Learning quiz single post template. By default is used single.php from the theme root directory, you can overwrite it by creating framework-customizations/extensions/learning/extensions/learning-quiz/views/single.php.
  • content.php - Default learning quiz single page template content. It is loaded if the framework-customizations/extensions/learning/extensions/learning-quiz/views/single.php doesn’t exist and is used single.php from the theme root directory. The content of this view is rendered using WordPress the_content filter, when the lesson single page is loaded.


  • fw_ext_learning_quiz_has_quiz( $post_id ) - Check if the post is lesson and if it has a quiz.
if ( fw_ext_learning_quiz_has_quiz( $post_id ) ) { ... }
  • fw_ext_learning_quiz_get_quiz( $post_id ) - Return the quiz of the lesson.
 * @param int $post_id
 * @return WP_Post|null - in case the the id is not valid or is not lesson post type, or the lesson doesn't have a quiz.
$quiz = fw_ext_learning_quiz_get_quiz( $post_id );
  • fw_ext_learning_quiz_get_quiz_permalink( $post_id ) - Return the permalink of the quiz post.
  • fw_ext_learning_quiz_get_response( $post_id ) - After the quiz form is submitted, it returns a response after processing the quiz.
 * @param int $post_id
 * @return array(
 *  questions => FW_Quiz_Question_Process_Response[]
 *  accumulated => (int|float) The amount of points accumulated
 *  minimum-pass-mark - (int|float) The minimum pass-mark
 * )
$response = fw_ext_learning_quiz_get_response( $post_id );


  • fw_ext_learning_quiz_form_process - Action fired when the quiz form was submitted and processed.
 * @internal
 * @param int $post_id
 * @return array(
 *  questions => FW_Quiz_Question_Process_Response[]
 *  accumulated => (int|float) The amount of points accumulated
 *  minimum-pass-mark - (int|float) The minimum pass-mark
 * )
function _action_fw_process_quiz_response( $response ) {
    // ...
add_action( 'fw_ext_learning_quiz_form_process', '_action_fw_process_quiz_response' );